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Дата публикации: 2024-11-03 21:41:05

How to Effectively Promote Content on Yandex.Zen Using SMM Services

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Yandex.Zen, formerly known as Yandex.Zen, and now referred to as dzen.ru or the Zen platform, is one of the most popular platforms in the CIS and Russia. Its daily audience exceeds 10 million users. The platform's popularity is largely due to the fact that the application is automatically integrated into the news feed of the "Yandex Browser" or in the additional features of the "Yandex Browser," both on mobile devices and desktop computers. Consequently, nearly every second user of Yandex.Browser has a pre-installed recommendation list from Zen. This recommendation list comprises articles published by authors on the dzen.ru platform (formerly Yandex.Zen).

As the team behind SmmPanelUS, we offer our users and clients some of the highest quality and most effective services for promoting Yandex.Zen channels, video articles, and other materials on the Yandex.Zen platform.

Main Services for Promotion on Yandex.Zen

Subscribers. Subscribers are a crucial component of both the visual representation of your channel and its recommendations. Primarily, your articles will be shown to people who are subscribed to you. We offer real subscribers for Yandex.Zen who are more than 50% likely to click on your articles and read them. You can buy subscribers for Yandex.Zen from us, which is an excellent solution for those looking to increase their reach on Yandex.Zen.

Likes and Comments. Without likes, an article will not be promoted in recommendations on Yandex.Zen, and without comments, people will not discuss it. You can order both likes on Yandex.Zen and comments for Yandex.Zen with your text, as well as random comments written by our professional copywriters or ordinary users.

Views. We offer views for videos on Yandex.Zen with specified duration and retention. This means that users will watch your video for the minimum time that you have ordered. This is very convenient for promoting your videos in recommendations on both the Zen platform and Yandex and its recommendation lists. Retention of views on Yandex.Zen is crucial for improving the content's ranking on the platform.

Reading Time. Reading time for articles on Yandex.Zen is one of the key factors that affect whether your article appears in Yandex.Zen recommendations. If an article lacks sufficient reading time and does not meet the time norms, its chances of being recommended will be low. We, in turn, offer you the service of increasing the number of readings for your articles on Yandex.Zen. You can choose the reading time yourself.

Advantages of Using Combo Services

Our team has been involved in the promotion of content on Yandex.Zen for a considerable time. We know well what actions and interactions users need. We can offer quality, real, and effective combo services for Yandex.Zen that include subscribers, likes, readings, and comments. Order now and promote your videos and articles across the entire Runet.


SmmPanelUS is one of the oldest platforms for legal promotion on Yandex.Zen. We have been operating since 2021 and have earned a reputation as leaders in our market and industry. We are trusted suppliers and partners for many well-known brands. We would be pleased to see you among our clients and would appreciate it if you become a registered user of our platform for promoting Yandex.Zen.

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