Dictionary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 8 / Top SMM Panel US

Dictionary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 8

Dictionary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 8


SMM Panel

A glossary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 8. Find out the meanings of the words - Trademark, Protective pause, Badge.

Dictionary for Marketers and Advertisers - Marketing and Advertising Glossary
  • Trademark - registered simultaneously with a verbal trademark and used to protect it from imitation. For example, for the well-known trademark ADIDAS, protective trademarks such as ABIBAS, ADIBAS, AIDAS, ADIDA, etc. could be registered.
  • Protective pause - the minimum period of time that must be between ads of competing companies. In international practice, the protective pause can reach up to 15 minutes. In domestic practice, due to the lack of a sufficient legal framework, the concept of a protective pause is absent.
  • Badge - a memorable sign or evidence of belonging to a certain organization (community, club) in the form of plastic of various shapes (made of metal, plastic, dense fabric) with a device for attachment to the upper part of clothing.


About the Author


Mark Korelenko - SMM Panel US Author


  • Name: Mark Korelenko
  • Position: Copywriter, Publicist
  • Contact: info@smmpanelus.com
  • About Me: Born and residing in Switzerland. I work as a copywriter for SMM Panel SmmPanelUS, and I am a publicist and author of articles with 15 years of experience in copywriting and creating original, unique content. I am passionate about creating interesting and informative articles on the topic of SMM. In my free time, I enjoy playing tennis and reading books on psychology.

