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Дата публикации: 2021-11-25 11:33:00

Dictionary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 17

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Dictionary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 17
Glossary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 17. Find out what these words mean - Market Segmentation, Sales Promotion, Situational Analysis, CitiLight, Slogan, Stealth Advertising, Associated Materials and Activities in Advertising, Event Marketing.

  • Market Segmentation - the division of the market into distinct groups of buyers who may require separate products and/or marketing mixes. The basis of segmentation may be geographic, demographic, psychographic, or behavioral characteristics.
  • Sales Promotion - direct stimulation of sales. In the broadest sense, it represents all types of activities associated with providing information, including commercial advertising about the product or service, their characteristics, their degree of matching to the consumer's conscious needs, as well as all types of marketing communications.

Glossary of Advertising and Marketing

  • Situational Analysis - one of the stages of marketing planning. It represents a thorough analysis of the internal and overall marketing environment of the company, which determines its strengths and weaknesses, risks, and additional opportunities that the company expects as a result of various developments in the external marketing environment. The result of the situational analysis may be the choice by the company of one of the alternative strategies for its development: growth, reduction, or consolidation.
  • Citylight - a 1.2 x 1.8m advertising structure mounted on its own stand.
  • Slogan - an advertising tagline: a clear, concise, and memorable statement of the advertising idea.
  • Hidden advertising - a general term for materials in the press and works of art that contain positive, commercially important information for a particular company.
  • Ancillary materials and events in advertising activities - additional means of a company to solve various market activity tasks. They are used in decent sales, public relations and sales promotion. They include printed products such as leaflets, booklets, brochures, postcards, etc., as well as films, trade exhibitions, portable devices for product samples, annual reports, and store design.

Marketing and Advertising Glossary: Marketing and Advertising Terminology

  • Event marketing - organizing mass entertainment events such as festivals, parties, etc. Typically tied to certain dates.
  • Mass media - media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.
  • Spot - a short advertising message or commercial inserted between TV or radio programs, ranging from 10 to 60 seconds in length.
  • Demand - a category inherent in commodity economy and manifested in the sphere of exchange and trade. Demand represents a constantly changing aggregate social need represented in the market in various goods, resulting from a multitude of specific demands of a mass of consumers that differ in great diversity.
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Marketing) - measures aimed at obtaining a response from the consumer and establishing a permanent long-term relationship with them, based on treating the customer as an individual. The main goal of direct marketing is not only to engage in a dialogue with the consumer but also to monitor the market, study consumer characteristics and abilities, and identify potential customers.

Glossary of Terminology: Marketing and Advertising

  • Lifestyle — the habits, peculiarities of lifestyle, and behavior of people that form certain groups of the population.
  • Sticker — a label with a company or brand logo. It can be placed at the entrance along with additional inscriptions, for example, "Welcome".
  • Sales promotion — short-term incentive measures to encourage the purchase or sale of a product/service. It is carried out both towards the buyer (consumer promotion) and towards the retail network (trade promotion).
  • Trade promotion — various means of influence that stimulate the sale of a product by activating the work of the product delivery network. It includes both economic methods of influence, such as contests and awards for sellers, and non-economic methods, such as informing wholesale and retail sellers about the product, arranging sales locations, and placing POS materials.
  • Consumer promotion — various means of influence that stimulate demand and sales of a product by the buyer, including economic methods such as sampling, testing, coupons, preferential purchases, giveaways, games, contests for buyers, and premiums.
  • Sandwichman — a person walking down the street with two advertising signs on their chest and back.
  • Sampling — the distribution of product samples and promotional materials is carried out by the free distribution of samples or promotional materials in retail outlets, busy streets, clubs, concerts and shows, as well as other places where the target audience is gathered.

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