Dictionary of Advertising, Marketing and PR Terms. Part 13. Learn the meanings of the following words - Roof Installations, Sticker, Outdoor Advertising, Weekly (n+) Internet Audience, Improper Advertising from a Legal Perspective, Nonpareil.
- Roof Installations - Advertising structures in the form of logos of leading companies placed on administrative or residential buildings at the maximum viewing angle of the installation.
- Sticker - A small form of printing, produced on a self-adhesive basis.
- Outdoor Advertising - Advertising on the streets (billboards, banners, etc.), on the facade of the advertiser's building (showcase, canopy, etc.), as well as on transport and in the subway.
- Weekly (n+) Internet Audience - those who regularly visit the Internet and spend at least n hours per week there.
- Improper Advertising from a Legal Perspective - dishonest, unreliable, unethical, deliberately false and other advertising in which violations of requirements for its content, time, place and method of dissemination established by law are made.
- Nonpareil - a small typographical font (2.25 mm).