A dictionary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 12. Find out what the words mean - Marquees, Maximum Internet Audience, Brand, Marketing as Market Activity, Marketing Objectives, Marketing Research, Marketing Logistics, Marketing Potential, Marketing Statistics.

- Marquees - advertising media in the form of canopies or awnings on a soft or hard base with information about a company on them, or a movable awning outside windows for protection from the sun. Benefits: see "signage".
- Maximum Internet Audience - all Internet visitors, including those who have had at least one experience of using the Internet.
- Brand - a name, term, symbol, design, or a combination thereof, identifying the goods or services of one or more manufacturers - a manufacturer's brand - as well as sellers - a trade mark - and distinguishing them from competing goods and services.
- Marketing as Market Activity - organization and management of the process of identifying, taking into account, and satisfying the requirements and desires of consumers with profit for one's own firm.

- Marketing Objectives - strategic objectives related to the development of a company and the sale of its products, such as planning product assortment, sales and trading operations, pricing, advertising, sales promotion and distribution of goods, their storage and transportation, management of trade and commercial personnel, provision of services, etc. The main goal is to create conditions for adapting production to consumer demand and market requirements, develop a system of measures that ensure the promotion of products from the manufacturer to the end consumer.
- Marketing Research - the systematic and objective collection and analysis of information related to the sale of products and the provision of services. Conducting research increases the probability of using the most effective marketing actions. Often, research is undertaken in response to an existing problem, although marketing information can also be used as the basis for long-term planning.
- Marketing Logistics - the activity of planning, executing, and controlling the physical movement of materials, finished products, and related information from the place of production to the place of consumption in order to satisfy the needs of consumers and generate profit.

- Marketing Potential - 1. An integral part of the enterprise's potential. 2. The aggregate ability of the marketing system (enterprise) to ensure the constant competitiveness of the enterprise, the economic and social situation of its goods or services on the market due to the planning and implementation of effective marketing activities in the areas of demand research, product, price, communication, and sales policy, as well as the organization of strategic planning and control over the behavior of the product, competitors, and consumers in the market.
- Marketing Statistics - 1. The area of statistics that studies the state and dynamics of the market and market relations at different hierarchical levels of entrepreneurial activity. 2. A type of professional activity involving the collection, processing, and analysis of data on the state and development of marketing systems. 3. The set of data and indicators characterizing the state of the internal and external marketing environment.
- Marketing Strategy - an element of the strategy of the enterprise's activities aimed at the development, production, and delivery of goods and services to the buyer that best meets their needs. Marketing strategies include customer acquisition strategy and product promotion strategy.
- Marketing Decision - one or several alternatives from a multitude of possible options for implementing one or a combination of marketing measures necessary for the sustainable formation, development, and satisfaction of demand for goods or services by consumers.

- Marketing research - a systematic process of setting research objectives; identifying volumes; collecting; analyzing objective market information; and developing recommendations for making specific management decisions regarding any elements of the firm's market-product strategy and methods of their implementation to achieve ultimate results in the firm's activities in a specific marketing environment. Applied research involves taking specific management actions. (2) A type of activity that connects the consumer, buyer, and the public with the marketer through information obtained for identifying and defining marketing opportunities and problems, for generating, refining, and evaluating marketing actions, for monitoring marketing performance, and for improving understanding of the marketing process.
- Media - 1. Means of disseminating advertising. 2. The totality of audio, visual, and other communication media.
- Mentality - a psychological term referring to the differences in perception, evaluations, and views between people, conditioned by their way of life, upbringing, education, and culture. It is taken into account when preparing advertising appeals and arguments for market consumers.

- Merchandising - product placement, window dressing, placement of POS materials, tracking competitors' promotions. Product placement is done in such a way as to place the product in the best-selling location (on shelves opposite eye and hand level).
- Forecasting methods in marketing - scientific prediction based on analysis of actual past and present data of the researched object. Depending on the length of the strengthening period, short-term forecasts (up to 1.5 years) are distinguished; medium-term forecasts - (5 years); long-term forecasts - 10-15 years, based on the system of forecasts of various components. By the form of presentation, forecasts are divided into quantitative and qualitative; by the coverage of the object of research, forecasts are general and specific.
- Pricing methods - methods used in setting prices for goods and services. Three pricing methods are distinguished - cost-based, buyer-line-based, and competitor-based.
- Module - a graphic advertisement of a certain size for publication in the press.
- Mobile - a suspended lightweight (plastic, cardboard) advertising structure (flat - double-sided advertising carrier, suspended from the ceiling; composite - structures are suspended from each other, volumetric - three-dimensional structure assembled in the form of boxes or other structures). Advantages: since the space above people's heads is usually not filled with advertising, the advertising carrier attracts additional attention.

- Press monitoring/analysis - constant study of the press for the activity of competitors and the Client himself, market reviews. Allows you to react promptly and timely to the current situation, get maximum information about competitors.
- Motto - a graphic advertisement of a certain size for publication in the press.
- Motivation - 1. The process of intensifying the motives of an individual or their group in order to activate their actions in making a decision to satisfy some need. 2. Stimulating actions that influence the buyer's activity in the process of making a purchase decision.