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Дата публикации: 2021-11-25 10:01:35

Dictionary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 1

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Dictionary of terms in advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 1
This is a list of terms related to advertising, marketing, and PR. Part 1 includes the following terms: poster, audience, Arbitron, anthropomorphism, annotation, analysis of advertising effectiveness, analysis of marketing expenses, analysis of competitors, anaphora, alliteration, adequate sample, active audience [weekly (1+) internet audience], AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action).

  • AIDA - one of the most common models of advertising appeal. The abbreviation stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Proposed by E. Lewis (USA) in 1896.
  • Active audience [weekly (1+) audience] of the Internet - those who regularly visit the Internet and spend at least one hour per week there.
  • Adequate sample - a selection for conducting advertising research of such a number of objects or individuals, the increase of which would only confirm the data obtained as a result of the research of the sample itself.

marketing glossary

  • Alliteration - the repetition of homogeneous consonant sounds in a phrase, line, or stanza of an advertising text.
  • Anaphora - a common beginning, a poetic device in advertising, where the same word or sound is repeated at the beginning of two or several speech fragments.
  • Competitor analysis - the process of identifying major competitors, evaluating their goals, strategies, strengths and weaknesses, and the range of possible retaliatory actions, as well as choosing competitors to attack or avoid.
  • Marketing expenditure analysis - analysis of the cost-effectiveness of various marketing factors: assortment groups, sales methods, sales territories, participants in distribution channels, sales staff, advertising media, and consumption patterns. Marketing expenditure analysis helps to identify effective and ineffective spending and make corresponding changes.

marketing dictionary

  • Advertising effectiveness analysis - measuring the degree of advertising impact on the consumer before or after an advertising campaign.
  • Annotation - brief information about the subject of advertising, explanations of where the advertising accent should be made.
  • Anthropomorphism - in advertising, a method of presenting a product in which it is endowed with human characteristics. Often used in cases where the individual properties of the product are weakly highlighted and the product differs little from its competitors.
  • Arbitron - a system for instantly obtaining TV show ratings based on data obtained from electronic devices installed in home TVs.
  • Audience - the number of listeners/readers/viewers of the advertising medium being considered.
  • Poster - a type of print advertising. Unlike a billboard, it is an announcement of an upcoming event and is posted on the street.

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